Our website has a secure payment processing system with an SSL certificate through secure payment platforms such as PayPal and . They manage the whole process and we can never access your credit or debit card details.
We accept the following payment methods:
Credit or debit card
We accept the most common card issuers (Visa, Mastercard, American Express) through Stripe, one of the most secure and user-friendly payment platforms.
PayPal is an online payment service that makes online payments easy and safe. Your bank or card details are handled exclusively by PayPal, which makes PayPal payments even more secure.
You can process card payments through PayPal even if you don't have a PayPal account at no additional cost.
Our shipments are handled manually and one by one.
Shipping costs and delivery times may vary depending on the shipping zone. Both the shipping fee and the estimate delivery date will update automatically as you enter your shipping details.
Please note that delivery times are approximate, as per the indications of carriers, and some shipments may take longer or even arrive earlier than expected. We therefore cannot accept any liability for possible delays in shipments.
We work with different carriers, the most common being TNT, UPS, DHL, Seur and Zeleris. Once you have placed your order, we will inform you of the assigned carrier and your shipment’s tracking number so that you can track your package at all times through the carrier’s website.
You have 14 days to request a return or refund. If the product has been lost or damaged during shipping or if there has been a printing error, we will replace it with a new identical product. We are not responsible for customer errors when entering information during the purchase process, such as errors in the shipping address or the editing process for custom maps.
If you spot a mistake after placing your order, please reach out to us as soon as possible. We'll try our best to get it fixed before your order is prepared and shipped.
We reserve the right to investigate requests for returns to ensure that these conditions are met.
Since every product is customized during the purchase process, we cannot accept returns nor issue refunds for orders that do not meet the conditions listed above.